Chiori Guide
Elemental Skill Mechanics
As Chiori's kit primarily revolves around her Elemental Skill knowing how it works is crucial to use Chiori to her full potential!
When activating her Elemental Skill, Chiori will lunge forward and perform a slash dealing Geo DMG to all enemies hit, then summoning a Tamoto to the field
- After activating this skill, if her 1st Ascension Passive is unlocked, it will also trigger a Quick-Time Event, granting Chiori either Tailoring if a Normal Attack is performed during it or Tapestry if her Elemental Skill is pressed again.
- Tailoring grants Chiori a Geo infusion for 5 seconds, allowing her to perform an on-field role if desired, though without her final Constellation her Normal Attacks do not do significant damage.
- Tapestry immediately switches Chiori to the next character in your party, ignoring the character-switching cooldown, then allows Tamoto to perform coordinated attacks when your allied Normal/Charged or Plunging attacks hit the enemy up to two times.
- If no action is input Tailoring will trigger once the time event passes - Note that if you manually switch to a different character during this window, neither effect will be triggered.
You can also hold down her Elemental Skill to aim where she dashes - this can be used to launch her into the air to perform a plunging attack, and she can even swap to another character mid air!