Chiori Guide


  • 4pc Golden Troupe - This set maximizes her Elemental Skill damage, which is her primary source of damage.
  • 4pc Husk of Opulent Dreams - While offering less Elemental Skill damage than Golden Troupe, this set offers higher Elemental Burst damage and can be kept up while on-field, synergizing well with her 6th Constellation.

2 piece combination mixes of Golden Troupe/Husk of Opulent Dreams/Archaic Petra and potentially 18% ATK sets can be utilized as well if lacking 4pc sets of Golden Troupe or Husk of Opulent Dreams.

For Artifact mainstats, Chiori prefers using a DEF% Sands, Geo % or DEF% Goblet and a Crit Rate/Crit Damage Circlet, primarily looking for Crit Rate, Crit Damage, DEF% and potentially Energy Recharge % substats.

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