



The righteous and rigorous Dandelion Knight, and Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt's Knights of Favonius.

Anemo Element
Sword Element
Sword user
Ascension materials:
Vayuda Turquoise GemstoneHurricane SeedDandelion SeedOminous Mask
Talent materials:
Guide to ResistanceDvalin's PlumeOminous Mask


Asc.Lv.Base HPBase ATKBase DEFCRIT RateCRIT DMGHealing Bonus
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TitleDandelion Knight
Birthday14 March
AffiliationKnights of Favonius
ConstellationLeo Minor
Anemo Element
Chinese voice actor林簌
Japanese voice actor斎藤千和
English voice actorStephanie Southerland
Korean voice actorAhn Young-mi


Invigorating Pizza
Invigorating Pizza
can be obtained by using
while cooking
Mushroom Pizza
Mushroom Pizza


Collected Miscellany - "Jean: Guiding Breeze"


Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework
Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of stamina to launch an opponent using the power of wind.

Launched opponents will slowly fall to the ground.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Talent values:
NameLv. 1Lv. 2Lv. 3Lv. 4Lv. 5Lv. 6Lv. 7Lv. 8Lv. 9Lv. 10Lv. 11
1-Hit DMG48.3%52.3%56.2%61.8%65.8%70.3%76.4%82.6%88.8%95.5%103%
2-Hit DMG45.6%49.3%53.0%58.3%62.0%66.3%72.1%77.9%83.7%90.1%97.4%
3-Hit DMG60.3%65.2%70.1%77.1%82.0%87.6%95.3%103%111%119%129%
4-Hit DMG65.9%71.2%76.6%84.3%89.6%95.8%104%113%121%130%141%
5-Hit DMG79.2%85.7%92.1%101%108%115%125%135%146%157%169%
Charged Attack DMG162%175%188%207%220%236%256%277%298%320%346%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost20.0
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87.0%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%
Low/High Plunge DMG128%/160%138%/173%149%/186%164%/204%174%/217%186%/232%202%/253%219%/273%235%/293%253%/316%271%/338%
Talent costs:
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Gale Blade
Gale Blade

Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG.


At the cost of continued stamina consumption, Jean can command the whirlwind to pull surrounding opponents and objects towards her front.

Direction can be adjusted.

Character is immobile during skill duration.

That which follows Jean, the wholehearted defender, is a guardian wind that can banish danger from her comrades' presence.

Talent values:
NameLv. 1Lv. 2Lv. 3Lv. 4Lv. 5Lv. 6Lv. 7Lv. 8Lv. 9Lv. 10Lv. 11Lv. 12Lv. 13
Skill DMG292%314%336%365%387%409%438%467%496%526%555%584%621%
Stamina Consumption20.0/s
Max Duration5.0s
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Dandelion Breeze
Dandelion Breeze

Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG.

At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.

Dandelion Field

·Continuously regenerates HP of characters within the AoE and continuously imbues them with Anemo.

·Deals Anemo DMG to opponents entering or exiting the Dandelion Field.

Jean's magnanimity is as vast as the dandelion fields, and it is the root of her wish to protect others.

Talent values:
NameLv. 1Lv. 2Lv. 3Lv. 4Lv. 5Lv. 6Lv. 7Lv. 8Lv. 9Lv. 10Lv. 11Lv. 12Lv. 13
Burst DMG425%457%489%531%563%595%637%680%722%765%807%850%903%
Field Entering/Exiting DMG78.4%84.3%90.2%98.0%104%110%118%125%133%141%149%157%167%
Field Activation Healing251% ATK+1540270% ATK+1694289% ATK+1861314% ATK+2041333% ATK+2234352% ATK+2439377% ATK+2657402% ATK+2888427% ATK+3132452% ATK+3389477% ATK+3659502% ATK+3941534% ATK+4236
Continuous Regeneration25.12% ATK+154/s27.00% ATK+169/s28.89% ATK+186/s31.40% ATK+204/s33.28% ATK+223/s35.17% ATK+244/s37.68% ATK+266/s40.19% ATK+289/s42.70% ATK+313/s45.22% ATK+339/s47.73% ATK+366/s50.24% ATK+394/s53.38% ATK+424/s
Energy Cost80
Talent costs:
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Wind Companion
Wind Companion

On hit, Jean's Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to regenerate HP equal to 15% of Jean's ATK for all party members.

Unlocks at ascension 1
Let the Wind Lead
Let the Wind Lead

Using Dandelion Breeze will regenerate 20% of its Energy.

Unlocks at ascension 4
Guiding Breeze
Guiding Breeze

When a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a dish with restorative effects, there is a 12% chance to obtain double the product.

Unlocked by default


Spiraling Tempest
Spiraling Tempest

Increases the pulling speed of Gale Blade after holding for more than 1s, and increases the DMG dealt by 40%.

People's Aegis
People's Aegis

When Jean picks up an Elemental Orb/Particle, all party members have their Movement SPD and ATK SPD increased by 15% for 15s.

When the West Wind Arises
When the West Wind Arises

Increases the Level of Dandelion Breeze by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Lands of Dandelion
Lands of Dandelion

Within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze, all opponents have their Anemo RES decreased by 40%.

Outbursting Gust
Outbursting Gust

Increases the Level of Gale Blade by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt
Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt

Incoming DMG is decreased by 35% within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze. Upon leaving the Dandelion Field, this effect lasts for 3 attacks or 10s.

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