
Flute of EzpitzalFlute of Ezpitzal

Flute of Ezpitzal

Flute of Ezpitzal


A peculiarly shaped jade longsword that has been passed down amongst the Masters of the Night-Wind as a "priestly flute."

Ascension materials:
Blazing Sacrificial Heart's SplendorStill-Smoldering HiltTyrant's Fang


Asc.Lv.Base ATKDEF%
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Smoke-and-Mirror Mystery R1

Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.

Smoke-and-Mirror Mystery R2

Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 32% for 15s.

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Long, long ago, in what now is seen as an age of myth, when great dragons still roamed the deep valley,

There lived a girl who — despite having had her ankles mutilated at birth — inherited the title of Holy Sovereign, just as tradition dictated.

Back then, when the deep valley had not yet been given the name of "Mictlan," there was but a lowly village that owed its very existence to the protection of the dragons.

By ancient beacons was the dragons' prideful honor incinerated, driving them to flee fearfully into withering dreams.

So did they come to make a pact with the mortals who sought their protection, instructing them to ordain a Holy Sovereign of exceptional talent...

"A labyrinth of mirrors and a fortress of mist, these shall we build to shield your tiny mortal tribes from the scourge of war."

"In return, we ask only one thing — that you choose a Sovereign who will guide us into our dreams."

As with all worldly aspirations, dreams are windows onto an inferno of desire, fired by the kindling known as "life."

This so-called fated Sovereign was but an offering to dreams, destined to be dispersed like smoking embers by the cold night wind.

And so it was that the Holy Sovereign's only companions were a flute and her silent attendant.

Perhaps out of loyalty, or perhaps sympathy, he never left his young master's side, doomed as she was to an early demise.

Yet this hero, venerated by future generations, did not yet know that the young seer had long since discerned how the dream would end.

Until the hero passed through mist and mirrors, guided by her flutesong — only then did the girl who had lost her ankles embrace him.

And so, in a gentle song woven from whispers and the dainty night wind, she murmured into his ear all that she had heard...


"When the day comes that we meet once more, pierce my heart, I beseech you. Let my name be engulfed by the flaming beacons and the burning winds."

"The old pact shall be broken, and in its place you will establish a new one, bringing them true peace."

"Until the day we meet once more, my most loyal servant Dinga, dragon slayer and fated Sovereign Maghan."

"Hero of mine, and mine alone, this is my final command. May the name of Mictlan endure for millennia."

In the end, the dark night was devoured by the heat of the scorching sun. As the smoke dispersed, thus too did the sweetest of dreams dissipate, gone without a trace.

Even before the crimson flames had waned, the inhabitants of the village that had worshipped the dragons were denounced as traitorous enemies by the ruler of the Cinder City...

Shattered was the labyrinth of mirrors, crashing down in the face of the Python King's fury; so too did the fortress of mist crumble before his armies, sweeping through like the ocean tide.

Leading the charge was the hero Maghan, he who had once fought alongside the One Entombed With the Primal Fire, showing courage undiminished since yesteryear,

And before the dragons could awaken from their dream, he had slain the traitors who had made a pact with them, thus ending the conflict.

Yet granted a royal audience, the aging hero would not receive the favor that was offered by the Cinder City's ruler, instead simply seeking a chance to atone:

"My lord, I failed in my endeavor to catch those beasts; they escaped into the depths of the smoke-shrouded valleys."

"Though once a dragon slayer, now I am old and frail, unfit to serve the alliance any longer. Please permit me to retire on account of this."

This was the origin of Mictlan, one of the six great tribes in the thousand years to come.

As for how, when the Cinder City fell, the priest Maghan's successor renewed the pact with the dragons,

And how, according to his wishes, he was buried amongst unmarked graves, rather than being returned to the Sacred Flame;

That is another story altogether, completely unrelated to Maghan the dragon slayer.

"I dream of a katun without fear... the city of jade shall be established where the sun rises, and a new lord shall be born twice."

"The golden emissary shall come, the green bird shall come, Aq're Q'aq shall come. It is the promise of the night."

"I dream of your descendants... free from fears of smoke and phantasms, no longer in tears, no longer in pain."

"The master of flames and blazing infernos... will protect the dreams of humans and dragons alike, watching over them until the stars cease to turn."

"Hero of mine, and mine alone, this is my final vision. Please make this future a reality."
