
Chain BreakerChain Breaker

Chain Breaker

Chain Breaker


A jade-adorned longbow. The gentle winds always seem to swirl gently about its string. Legends claim that this weapon was made in a far more ancient era by a dragon artisan.

Ascension materials:
Night-Wind's Mystic RevelationChasmlight FinTyrant's Fang


Asc.Lv.Base ATKATK%
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Flower-Feather Song R1

For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 4.8% increased ATK. When there are no less than 3 of the aforementioned characters, the equipping character gains 24 Elemental Mastery.

Flower-Feather Song R2

For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 9.6% increased ATK. When there are no less than 3 of the aforementioned characters, the equipping character gains 48 Elemental Mastery.

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Long, long ago, in what we today call an age of myth, when great dragons still strode amongst the thick jungles,

The abandoned girl was adopted by the mother of dragons, and grew up amidst lush winds and chirping birds.

"Lianca, my dearest and beloved daughter, my pride and joy"

"Go, and find your own path, like your brothers and sisters"

"Though you have neither hard scales, nor claws and fangs as sharp as razors"

"Remember that you will always be the daughter of the mother of dragons, an honorable princess"

"In this world, you kneel to no one, be they human or dragon"

"Choose your path with pride, just like a true dragon"

And so, in keeping with the traditions of dragonkind, the young maiden named Lianca took the bow from the matriarch,

And accompanied by bounteous flowers and quetzals, she embarked alone on her journey to "seek her own path."

It was not until she had traversed many lands belonging to both humans and dragons that the girl who had long grown accustomed to the jungle realized,

Despite the vastness of this world, the ability to fly freely and unrestrained, like a sparrow, seemed to be akin to a luxury.

Laws held mortals in thrall, while obsession confined dragonkind. So-called "freedom" was an article of faith for the strong alone.

—But if that be so, then let all chains be broken, all shackles that hold the weak back from flight be shot from the sky.

In the beginning, it was only a few orphans who had nowhere to go who stayed by her side,

And then, the wandering warriors, unwilling to be bound by the rules of the tribe, who chose to follow her song,

And then, those dragons who had been banished also came to the forest, seeking her protection.

The uncrowned princess accepted them all, human or dragon, whether they had been foe or friend before:

With but a single staff she defeated a bandit massive as a mountain who would waylay passersby, and then all former enmity forgotten with a hearty laugh,

The evil arrogant dragon was shot down three times and cured three times, and they became fast friends.

This was the founding moment of the tribe that would be known as the "Flower-Feather Clan" for the next thousand years,

Where even those who were weak, feeble, and homeless would no need fear the wind and open sky.

"O Outlander hailed as a hero, you seem to misunderstand. I am not their King, and they have no need to submit to anyone"

"None can rule here, for everyone is a crownless king. Let go of those overwrought, convoluted, needless formalities, for the only thing that can please us is the sound of song"

"However, if you are as sincere as your words, if you truly desire to whip up a blazing wind to burn away the eternal shackles"

"If you truly wish to bestow the weak with a place where they are equal, then, O Outlander, whom they acclaim as a hero, I shall journey with you."

"My mother cannot understand your noble resolve, my King. Should she know of this, the Flower-Feather Clan would surely be the first to raise the banner of rebellion against the Grand Alliance"

"My King, for an incandescent, resplendent tomorrow, for the vision of a thousand years, we must completely eradicate the hidden danger as soon as possible. You can hesitate no longer."

It was the age when the banners of the tribes had not yet been coated in dust, and the colors of the pact had not yet faded.

On a night when the quetzals no longer sang, by the fading fire of the hearth, the youth made this suggestion to the usurper.

To this day, none know whether it was to fan the flames of burning ambition, or done out of greed.

All the people know is that the blood-red fires of the banquet in the city of cinders burned away the King's last reservations.

"Heh... Old friend, you need only take care of little old me. Why the need to dispatch hundreds of men?"

"Still, as it was I who misjudged my own blood... Then allow me to repay the blood-debt with blood."

The bowstring was severed, blood drained dry, and even the ever-carried dagger was wielded till it was cloven in two,

And so the hero who had shot countless dragons out of the sky was forced to the end of her rope.

But even so, the First Speaker for the Flower-Feather Clan stood straight and tall amidst the overflowing crimson river.

The very first arrow, she gifted to her treacherous heir, and the remaining arrows to the usurper's minions,

Though her bones had long since shattered, then she would use her final arrow to nail her shattered body to the jade bow.

And the end of that road, not even death could force the proud daughter of the dragons to bend the knee.

"My honored mother... Your daughter has finally found her own path"

"Only suffering belongs to me, and only my song belongs to me... Let this be my epitaph"

"To remember the pain I endured... and finally, transcended."

"I once offered my life to all, and now... I offer my death to the world."