Gacha rate calculator
Rate Table
Constellation | Rate | Cumulative rate |
Not owned | 40.606% | 100.00% |
C0 | 53.551% | 59.39% |
C1 | 5.474% | 5.84% |
C2 | 0.347% | 0.37% |
C3 | 0.020% | 0.02% |
C4 | 0.001% | 0.00% |
C5 | 0.000% | 0.00% |
C6 | 0.000% | 0.00% |
The calculator uses the statistical model for drop-rates of Cgg/ For more information about drop rates, please refer to their HoYoLAB post.
Rates indicate the chance to get exactly Cx within Y pulls, cumulative rate chance to get Cx or higher within Y pulls. Big graph indicates cumulative rate at each pull (read: Z% to get Cx within Y pulls).
Exact details of 'Capturing Radiance' are not yet known. Hypothese A assumes a lost pity model where a counter increases when you lose the 50/50 and decreases when you win the 50/50. If this counter reaches 2, there's an (unknown, assumed to be a 55/45) rate to win. When the counter reaches 3, triggering capturing radiance is guaranteed. When capturing radiance is triggered, the counter is reset to 1. The other version assumes a flat consolidated rate of 55% mentioned in the HoYoLAB article which is what you can expect in the long term.
NOTE: To reduce the amount of calculations, the 4-star character banner calculator will assume there are no 5-stars being dropped. These can prevent a 4 star from dropping, but they still increase the pity counter. It is possible (in-game) to not get a 4-star within 10 pity, but the next pull is guaranteed to be a 4-star if it's not a 5-star.
NOTE: The off-banner calculator is not accurate for the standard banner. In-game there's a pity system for keeping amount of weapons and characters balanced. Here we assume a flat 50/50 rate between characters and weapons.