Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm

Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm
A new life form that arose from the dispersed Tainted Hydro Phantasm. It is trapped inside a bottle.
The life contained within the waters is formless, and formless life is born of water and gains water's shape.
Used by weapon ascensions:

The life contained within the waters is formless, and formless life is born of water and gains water's shape.
Ancient Fontainian poets and philosophers believed (or hoped) that countless lives had converged in the waters before the start of time and would converge in the waters again after the end of time. Form, language, and physical contact had been and would be irrelevant, and birth and death, non-existent.
The world of water is an extension of all that is alive.
This is the world's primordial and ultimate form, a golden era that had been missed and has yet descended.