Memento Lens

Memento Lens
A mysterious lens. If you view small fox statues with this lens, you can find things that were not there before.
They say that in the distant past, the legendary Kitsune Saiguu left a catalyst for the then-Hiiragi Clan head, Hiroshi, as a tool to be used in exorcisms.
The Hiiragis would have a special Kamera made to order from overseas with that catalyst mounted on its lens assembly, before giving it back to the Grand Narukami Shrine as a symbol of their friendship.
A mysterious lens that was once part of a special Kamera.
They say that in the distant past, the legendary Kitsune Saiguu left a catalyst for the then-Hiiragi Clan head, Hiroshi, as a tool to be used in exorcisms. The Hiiragis would have a special Kamera made to order from overseas with that catalyst mounted on its lens assembly, before giving it back to the Grand Narukami Shrine as a symbol of their friendship. That Kamera was said to have been able to record thoughts and memories, and though the complicated components may have rusted away over time, the specially-made lens can still see that which does not exist in the present world.