Lakelight Lily

Lakelight Lily
A clear and clean azure flower, it is born where Water Veins come together. It has a simple, cool, and elegant fragrance, pungent and refreshing yet gentle.
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A clear and clean azure flower, it is born where Water Veins come together. It has a simple, cool, and elegant fragrance, pungent and refreshing yet gentle.
In the language of flowers, it means "waiting" and "everlasting promise."
In ancient legends, the Mistress of Many Waters gave a flower as pure as Lakelight to the last Lochknight as a farewell gift. To this day, Fontaine maintains the tradition of picking a Lily and giving it to those on long journeys, wishing one another a road ahead as tranquil as pure water, and that those most precious will be able to follow its cool light, returning to their side.