Ancient Autoharmonic Music Box

Ancient Autoharmonic Music Box
An ancient music box found in the Faded Castle. It contains the mysterious power of the Symphony.
Use it to read musical scores left by the ancient civilization. Find more scores to unlock the civilization's secrets.
It is said that after the realm of yore sunk, an ancient order known as the Golden Troupe arose to succeed it. They gathered within the Faded Castle, studying the secrets of the spirit and fate. They built all manner of musical devices in imitation of constructs of the golden realm's golden age, and this portable Autoharmonic Music Box is one such device. Unusually, it resembles a piano more than reed pipes — a quirk of the designer, perhaps.
The ancient civilization saw fate as a cruel drama — a script that had been fixed long ago, never to be changed, no matter how the cast or their cantos might shift. By collecting and imitating what "cruel dramas" remained, they were indeed able to create what ignorant antecedents would term "magic." Yet, in matters of fate, they would fail to go any further than the people of bygone times.