Simulanka Checklist and Puzzles
Limited Time Event Quests
There are 3 (+1 Unique) notable event quest chains present in the version 4.8 Simulanka event.
- Some chests will only appear during/after completing these quests, so make sure you have done them if it appears you are missing Excerpts of Bliss and no more are getting marked!
Forest of Blessings
- The Lotus Leaf and the Champion
- The Forest and the Princess
- The Answer of the Lotus Leaves and Forest - After completing the two above quests this quest should appear automatically in your quest log.
Constellation Metropole
- Narration Footnotes
- Text's Coda - Set time 2 days forward in game after completing Narration Footnotes.
Broken Sea
- Towards the Lighthouse, or Far Away
- An Odd Textual Mystery - Complete Afterword (Summertide Scales and Tales) of the main Event Quests to obtain this quest - this quest takes place in Sumeru.
These quests can be started at the locations shown below, or by following the steps listed next to them.