Koholasaurus Warrior: Reefsplitter

Koholasaurus Warrior: Reefsplitter
Other Human Factions
A powerful warrior from the source of the springs, whose bravery has been acknowledged and for which they may wear the Saurian Crown.
A warrior who can temporarily harness the power of the waves to shuttle back and forth. It is said that one must undergo three states of training to master this skill: First, to adapt. Second, to submit. Finally, to drive. Mastering this method of movement is merely the entry-level requirement to become a Saurian-Crowned Warrior of the People of the Springs, and the greatest among these Warriors can even use this skill to sail on land.
Pyro | Electro | Cryo | Hydro | Anemo | Geo | Dendro | Physical | Note |
10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | -20% |