Eremite Scorching Loremaster

Eremite Scorching Loremaster
A person hailing from the loosely-organized mercenary bands of the desert. Even though they will work for anyone as long as the pay is good, they will never forget their roots in the Great Red Sand.
After the collapse of its civilizations, the stories of the desert were passed down generation after generation in oral tradition just like the sparks in the wind and the rain in the clouds. As time passed, some stories were lost while others survived, albeit with significant changes.
"The Eremites" is the umbrella term given to the tribes of the desert by those too ignorant or disdainful to learn the tribes' myriad differences. Within those referred to as the Eremites, many have also indeed already forgotten the tales of the desert. Fear not, however, for those who still remember will never betray the spirit of the sands yet flowing through their veins.
Pyro | Electro | Cryo | Hydro | Anemo | Geo | Dendro | Physical | Note |
10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | -20% |